Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bug Free Design -- Contention Protocol

 Is there any theoretical impediment to building non-trivial software bug-free where every execution pathway is tested for every condition type? That is, for instance, an integer pathway tested for the extreme ends, the exact middle and then sampled for a statistically reasonable of random values.


Building non-trivial software that is completely bug-free, with every execution pathway tested for every condition type, faces several theoretical impediments. Here are the primary ones:

  1. Combinatorial Explosion:

    • Non-trivial software often has a vast number of possible execution paths due to combinations of different inputs, states, and conditions. Testing all possible paths is impractical because the number of paths grows exponentially with the complexity of the software.
  2. Undecidability:

    • Certain properties of programs are undecidable, meaning it is impossible to determine in general whether a program will exhibit specific behaviors (e.g., the Halting Problem). This makes it infeasible to verify that every possible execution pathway has been tested exhaustively.
  3. State Space Explosion:

    • The state space of a program, which includes all possible values of its variables and memory, can be astronomically large. Exhaustive testing of all states is computationally infeasible.
  4. Heisenbugs and Non-determinism:

    • Some bugs, known as heisenbugs, only appear under certain conditions that are difficult to reproduce. Non-deterministic behavior in concurrent or distributed systems can make it hard to ensure every pathway is tested under every condition.
  5. Resource Constraints:

    • Testing every pathway and condition type requires significant computational resources and time. In practice, resource limitations often necessitate prioritizing certain tests over exhaustive testing.
  6. Human Factors:

    • Specification and implementation errors are inevitable. Ensuring that the test cases themselves are comprehensive and free of errors is challenging, as is maintaining test coverage over the software's lifecycle.

Mitigation Strategies

To address these challenges, several strategies are commonly employed:

  1. Formal Methods:

    • Using formal verification techniques and mathematical proofs to verify certain properties of the software. This is more feasible for critical components but can be complex and resource-intensive.
  2. Automated Testing:

    • Employing automated testing tools and techniques, such as unit tests, integration tests, and property-based testing, to cover as many scenarios as possible.
  3. Static and Dynamic Analysis:

    • Utilizing static analysis tools to detect potential issues without executing the program, and dynamic analysis tools to monitor program behavior during execution.
  4. Randomized and Fuzz Testing:

    • Using random inputs (fuzzing) to discover edge cases and unexpected behavior.
  5. Model Checking:

    • Applying model checking techniques to systematically explore the state space of a system.
  6. Code Reviews and Pair Programming:

    • Leveraging human review processes to identify potential issues that automated tools might miss.

While it is theoretically impossible to guarantee bug-free non-trivial software with exhaustive testing, a combination of these strategies can significantly reduce the number and severity of bugs.

If I never use globals, always do dependency injection for non-local variables, allocate and release in the same block, only have a single point of entry and a single point of exit from any construct, have automated testing and logging and have test cases for edge and corner cases, and test for a statistically significant sampling of all possible cases, what might my possible source of bugs be?

Implementing best practices such as avoiding globals, using dependency injection, managing memory carefully, and maintaining structured code flow certainly reduces the potential for bugs. However, even with these precautions, several possible sources of bugs remain:

  1. Logic Errors:

    • Mistakes in the underlying logic of algorithms and calculations that do not stem from coding practices but from incorrect understanding or implementation of the problem.
  2. Concurrency Issues:

    • If your software involves concurrent or parallel execution, race conditions, deadlocks, and other synchronization issues can still arise, despite careful structuring and testing.
  3. Boundary Conditions:

    • Edge cases and off-by-one errors can still occur, especially in complex data processing or iterative algorithms, even if you test for many edge and corner cases.
  4. Third-party Dependencies:

    • Bugs can be introduced through libraries or frameworks that your software depends on. These are outside your control and can impact the stability and security of your application.
  5. Hardware and Environment:

    • Differences in hardware, operating systems, or other environmental factors can cause issues that are difficult to reproduce and test for in all cases.
  6. Performance and Scalability:

    • Performance bottlenecks and scalability issues can lead to unexpected behavior under load, even if the logic is correct. These issues often become apparent only under specific conditions that may be hard to simulate in tests.
  7. Human Factors:

    • Mistakes in requirements specification, miscommunication among team members, or misunderstanding of user needs can lead to bugs. Additionally, testing cases might miss specific scenarios or the tests themselves might have flaws.
  8. Integration Issues:

    • Bugs can arise when integrating different components or systems, particularly if the interaction between them is complex or not well-documented.
  9. Configuration and Deployment:

    • Incorrect configuration settings, deployment procedures, or environment-specific settings can introduce bugs that are not present in the development or testing environments.
  10. Security Vulnerabilities:

    • Issues such as input validation, injection attacks, and other security vulnerabilities can lead to bugs and exploits, even in well-structured code.

By adhering to best practices and implementing thorough testing and logging, you minimize many common sources of bugs. However, vigilance in these additional areas is necessary to address the remaining potential issues.

Most of those assume design mistakes, inadequate test cases, or fundamental limits, which would be out of scope for this type of analysis.

If we exclude design mistakes, inadequate test cases, and fundamental limits, the remaining potential sources of bugs in your scenario would primarily arise from:

  1. Concurrency Issues:

    • Race Conditions: Even with careful management, if your application involves concurrent processes, subtle timing issues can arise.
    • Deadlocks: Ensuring that resource acquisition order is consistent can prevent deadlocks, but they can still occur if overlooked.
  2. Hardware and Environment Variability:

    • Platform-Specific Behaviors: Differences in how operating systems, processors, or other hardware components handle specific instructions or resources can cause unexpected behavior.
    • Resource Limits: Variations in available memory, processing power, or network conditions can lead to issues that might not be apparent in a controlled testing environment.
  3. Integration and Interaction with External Systems:

    • API Changes: If your software interacts with external APIs, changes in those APIs can introduce bugs.
    • Dependency Updates: Updates to third-party libraries or services can introduce incompatibilities or new bugs.
  4. Precision and Numerical Stability:

    • Floating-Point Precision: Errors can arise from floating-point arithmetic, especially in calculations involving very large or very small numbers.
    • Numerical Stability: Algorithms can behave unpredictably with certain input values due to the accumulation of numerical errors.
  5. Rare Edge Cases:

    • Unforeseen Combinations of Inputs: Even with extensive testing, there might be rare or unexpected combinations of inputs that haven't been covered.
    • Resource Exhaustion: Conditions where system resources (memory, disk space) are exhausted can lead to bugs that are difficult to predict.
  6. External Interference:

    • Security Vulnerabilities: Unexpected input or attacks could exploit vulnerabilities, even in well-tested code.
    • Data Corruption: External factors like disk failures or network issues can corrupt data, leading to unpredictable behavior.

While your approach significantly mitigates many traditional sources of bugs, these areas remain challenging to fully eliminate and require ongoing attention and robust handling strategies.

In the lock, use, release scenario, how does a race condition arise? You lock what you are trying to use and if you get it nobody else can use it. This can be expanded to multi-level commit such that I do not think there is a possible scenario for failure. Can you review and explain where the problem would be?

In a lock, use, release scenario, a race condition can still arise in certain situations, especially if multiple threads or processes interact with the same set of resources. Here's an explanation of how and why this can happen:

Basic Scenario:

  1. Lock Acquisition:

    • Thread A locks Resource X.
    • Thread B attempts to lock Resource X but has to wait because Thread A holds the lock.
  2. Resource Use:

    • Thread A uses Resource X.
    • Thread B continues to wait.
  3. Lock Release:

    • Thread A releases the lock on Resource X.
    • Thread B acquires the lock on Resource X and begins to use it.

Common Pitfalls and Race Conditions:

  1. Improper Lock Scope:

    • If the scope of the lock is not well-defined, race conditions can occur. For example, if Thread A locks Resource X but releases it before completing all operations, Thread B might acquire the lock and operate on Resource X concurrently, leading to inconsistent states.
  2. Multiple Resources (Deadlocks):

    • If multiple resources are involved, and threads need to lock multiple resources, deadlocks can occur. Consider:
      • Thread A locks Resource X.
      • Thread B locks Resource Y.
      • Thread A then attempts to lock Resource Y but has to wait because Thread B holds it.
      • Thread B attempts to lock Resource X but has to wait because Thread A holds it.
      • Both threads are now waiting indefinitely, causing a deadlock.
  3. Lock Contention and Priority Inversion:

    • If a high-priority thread is waiting for a resource locked by a lower-priority thread, priority inversion can occur. The system's scheduler might prioritize the lower-priority thread to resolve the inversion, but this can lead to complex interactions and race conditions if not managed properly.
  4. Nested Locks:

    • If a thread locks Resource X and then attempts to lock another resource Y within the same critical section, this can lead to complex dependencies and potential deadlocks or race conditions if the order of locking is not consistent across all threads.

Example of a Race Condition:

Consider a scenario with two shared resources (A and B) and two threads (1 and 2). Each thread needs to lock both resources to perform a task.

  1. Thread 1:

    • Locks Resource A.
    • Attempts to lock Resource B (must wait if Thread 2 has it).
  2. Thread 2:

    • Locks Resource B.
    • Attempts to lock Resource A (must wait if Thread 1 has it).

If both threads hold their respective resources and wait for the other, a deadlock occurs. Even without a deadlock, if the order of operations or locking is not consistent, race conditions can emerge where the final state of the resources depends on the precise timing and interleaving of thread execution.

Mitigation Strategies:

  1. Consistent Lock Order:

    • Ensure that all threads lock resources in a consistent order to prevent circular wait conditions.
  2. Timeouts and Deadlock Detection:

    • Implement timeouts for lock acquisition and deadlock detection mechanisms to break circular waits.
  3. Lock Hierarchies:

    • Use lock hierarchies or multi-level commits to ensure that locks are acquired and released in a structured manner.
  4. Fine-Grained Locking:

    • Use finer-grained locking to minimize contention, but ensure that the scope of each lock is well-defined and consistent.

By carefully managing the scope and order of lock acquisition, and using appropriate concurrency control mechanisms, many race conditions and deadlocks can be avoided. However, the complexity of concurrent programming means that thorough testing and verification are still essential to ensure correctness.

Let's assume that there are resources that are limited and if I need m of the n resources there exists a protocol whereby I can acquire them in a lock in an atomic transaction. Can we create a protocol such that a generic resource has a generic acquisition mechanism such that a deadlock cannot occur? For instance, we could, perhaps proxy a 'lock group' with an acquisition mechanism such that it acquires locks stepwise and as the various resources are locked before it has acquired the group it needs, the lock group reallocates with the appropriate values. Does that make sense or do I need to explain further?

Your proposal aims to create a protocol for acquiring multiple resources atomically, thereby preventing deadlocks. The idea of using a proxy or a "lock group" to manage the acquisition of multiple resources in a stepwise manner while reallocating as needed is an interesting approach. Let's break it down and explore how it could work.


  1. Prevent Deadlocks: Ensure that the protocol prevents circular wait conditions.
  2. Atomic Acquisition: Ensure that either all required resources are acquired, or none are.
  3. Flexibility: Allow dynamic allocation and reallocation of resources.

Proposed Protocol:

  1. Lock Group Proxy:

    • Create a lock group proxy that represents the set of resources required by a thread.
    • The proxy manages the acquisition of individual resource locks.
  2. Stepwise Acquisition:

    • The lock group attempts to acquire the necessary resources one at a time.
    • If a resource cannot be acquired immediately, the lock group releases all currently held locks and retries.
  3. Consistent Order:

    • To prevent circular waits, acquire locks in a consistent global order. This means defining a total order for all resources and ensuring that all threads follow this order when acquiring locks.
  4. Retry and Backoff:

    • If the lock group cannot acquire all required resources, it backs off, releases all acquired locks, waits for a randomized time interval, and retries.
    • This backoff mechanism reduces contention and allows other threads to make progress.
  5. Deadlock Detection and Timeout:

    • Implement a timeout mechanism to detect potential deadlocks and force threads to release locks and retry after a certain period.

Detailed Protocol Steps:

  1. Define Resource Order:

    • Establish a global order for all resources. For example, resources could be numbered or prioritized in a specific order.
  2. Initialize Lock Group:

    • When a thread needs multiple resources, it initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers.
  3. Acquire Resources:

    • The lock group attempts to acquire each resource in the predefined global order.
    • If a resource is already locked by another thread, the lock group releases all acquired locks and retries after a randomized backoff period.
  4. Retry Mechanism:

    • The lock group retries acquisition after a backoff period. The backoff period can be randomized to reduce the likelihood of repeated collisions.
  5. Timeout and Deadlock Detection:

    • If a thread fails to acquire the required resources within a certain number of retries or a timeout period, it logs the failure and continues to retry.
    • This mechanism helps detect and recover from potential deadlocks.


Consider three resources: A, B, and C, with a global order A < B < C.

  • Thread 1 needs resources A and B.
  • Thread 2 needs resources B and C.

Thread 1:

  1. Attempts to lock A (succeeds).
  2. Attempts to lock B (succeeds).
  3. Uses resources A and B.
  4. Releases A and B.

Thread 2:

  1. Attempts to lock B (fails if Thread 1 holds B).
  2. Releases any acquired locks and retries after a backoff period.
  3. Attempts to lock B again (succeeds if B is available).
  4. Attempts to lock C (succeeds).
  5. Uses resources B and C.
  6. Releases B and C.


  • Deadlock Prevention: By acquiring resources in a consistent global order and using a retry mechanism with backoff, the protocol prevents deadlocks.
  • Atomic Acquisition: The lock group ensures that either all required resources are acquired, or none are, maintaining atomicity.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: The protocol is flexible and can handle dynamic resource requirements and varying numbers of resources.

By using this approach, you can effectively manage resource acquisition in a way that avoids deadlocks and ensures that threads can proceed without being indefinitely blocked. This method also scales well as the number of resources and threads increases.

Re: If a resource cannot be acquired immediately -- no. The lock group signals that it wants a lock to the resource and gets a 'soft-lock' that must be 'set' before it can be used. So the lock-group acquires the existing value and if, before it gets all of its soft locks and can 'transact' the lock group, another entity acquires a 'hard' lock and changes the resource, the resource signals the lock group of the change and resets the 'soft lock' so that when it is exercised it is exercised on the real current state.

Your proposed solution leverages the concept of "soft locks" and "hard locks" to handle the acquisition of multiple resources atomically while preventing deadlocks. Here's a refined version of the protocol based on your description:


  • Soft Lock: A preliminary lock that indicates an intention to lock a resource but does not prevent other entities from acquiring a hard lock on the resource.
  • Hard Lock: An exclusive lock that prevents other entities from accessing the resource.

Protocol Steps:

  1. Global Resource Order:

    • Define a consistent global order for all resources. This order must be followed by all threads when attempting to acquire locks.
  2. Lock Group Initialization:

    • When a thread needs multiple resources, it initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers.
  3. Soft Lock Acquisition:

    • The lock group attempts to acquire a soft lock on each required resource in the predefined global order.
    • Each resource maintains a list of soft locks requested by different lock groups.
  4. Hard Lock Acquisition:

    • Once a lock group has successfully acquired all the necessary soft locks, it proceeds to acquire hard locks in the same order.
    • If any resource is already hard locked by another thread, the lock group releases all its soft locks and retries after a randomized backoff period.
  5. Soft Lock Validation:

    • If another thread acquires a hard lock and modifies a resource that has soft locks, the resource signals all affected lock groups.
    • The lock groups reset their soft locks and reattempt the soft lock acquisition process.
  6. Transaction Completion:

    • After acquiring hard locks on all required resources, the lock group performs its operations.
    • Once done, it releases all hard locks, allowing other lock groups to proceed.

Example Scenario:

Consider three resources: A, B, and C, with a global order A < B < C.

Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B:

  1. Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B.
  2. Resources A and B grant soft locks to Thread 1.
  3. Thread 1 acquires hard lock on A.
  4. Thread 1 acquires hard lock on B.
  5. Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
  6. Thread 1 releases hard locks on A and B.

Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C:

  1. Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C.
  2. Resources B and C grant soft locks to Thread 2.
  3. Thread 1 acquires hard lock on B (Thread 2 must wait).
  4. Thread 1 acquires hard lock on C.
  5. If Thread 1 modifies B, it signals Thread 2.
  6. Thread 2 resets its soft lock on B and reattempts soft lock acquisition.
  7. Once Thread 1 releases B, Thread 2 reattempts hard lock acquisition.
  8. Thread 2 acquires hard locks on B and C.
  9. Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
  10. Thread 2 releases hard locks on B and C.


  • Deadlock Prevention: The use of soft locks and hard locks with a consistent global order prevents circular wait conditions, effectively avoiding deadlocks.
  • Atomicity: The lock group ensures that either all resources are acquired atomically, or none are, maintaining the integrity of the operation.
  • Dynamic Reallocation: The signaling mechanism ensures that soft locks are reset if the resource state changes, ensuring that operations are always performed on the current state.


  • Complexity: Implementing and managing the signaling mechanism and ensuring the correct resetting and reattempting of soft locks can be complex.
  • Performance Overhead: The additional overhead of managing soft locks, hard locks, and signaling might impact performance, especially in highly concurrent systems.

By incorporating these steps, the proposed protocol effectively manages resource acquisition in a way that prevents deadlocks and ensures atomic transactions, providing a robust mechanism for concurrent resource management.

Re: "Define a consistent global order for all resources. This order must be followed by all threads when attempting to acquire locks." -- I think this would be nice for the implementer and more orderly, but I am skeptical that it is feasible in the real world because we don't control all of the resources.

Given the challenge of not controlling all resources and the need for a robust, deadlock-free protocol, we can refine the approach to remove the requirement of a global order. Instead, we can focus on a dynamic, transactional method that uses soft and hard locks to ensure atomic acquisition and avoid deadlocks. Here’s a refined protocol that adapts to real-world constraints:

Protocol Steps:

  1. Initialize Lock Group:

    • A thread initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers.
  2. Acquire Soft Locks:

    • The lock group requests soft locks on all required resources.
    • Each resource maintains a list of pending soft locks and grants them immediately. Soft locks are non-exclusive and indicate the intent to lock.
  3. Validate and Upgrade to Hard Locks:

    • The lock group then attempts to upgrade each soft lock to a hard lock.
    • A hard lock is exclusive and prevents other threads from modifying the resource.
  4. Validation Mechanism:

    • If a resource detects that another thread has acquired a hard lock and modified it, it notifies all threads holding soft locks on that resource.
    • Upon receiving this notification, the lock group must release all its soft locks and start the acquisition process again.
  5. Atomic Transaction:

    • If the lock group successfully upgrades all soft locks to hard locks without interruption, it performs the required operations on the resources.
    • The transaction is atomic, as either all resources are locked, or the process restarts if any resource changes state during the acquisition phase.
  6. Release Locks:

    • After completing the operations, the thread releases all hard locks, making the resources available for other threads.

Example Scenario:

  1. Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B:

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B.
    • Resources A and B grant soft locks to Thread 1.
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on A to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
    • Thread 1 releases hard locks on A and B.
  2. Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C:

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C.
    • Resources B and C grant soft locks to Thread 2.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (must wait if Thread 1 holds it).
    • Thread 1 releases hard lock on B.
    • Resource B signals Thread 2 to proceed.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on C to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
    • Thread 2 releases hard locks on B and C.


  • Deadlock Prevention: The soft lock mechanism with validation ensures that deadlocks do not occur, as threads will always release and retry if another thread modifies a resource.
  • Atomicity: The protocol ensures that operations are performed atomically by upgrading soft locks to hard locks before proceeding.
  • Flexibility: This method adapts to dynamic resource availability and does not require a predefined global order, making it suitable for real-world scenarios where control over all resources is not possible.


  • Complexity: Implementing the soft lock and validation mechanism requires careful handling to ensure that all threads correctly follow the protocol.
  • Performance Overhead: The overhead of acquiring, validating, and potentially retrying lock acquisitions can impact performance, especially in highly concurrent environments.

By using soft locks as a preliminary step and validating before upgrading to hard locks, this protocol provides a flexible and deadlock-free approach to managing resource acquisition in complex, real-world systems.

Re: "Upon receiving this notification, the lock group must release all its soft locks and start the acquisition process again." I don't think it is necessary to release soft locks on other things.

Understood. If the lock group doesn't need to release all its soft locks and only needs to reset the soft lock on the affected resource, the protocol can be simplified and made more efficient. Here's a refined version of the protocol based on this understanding:

Protocol Steps:

  1. Initialize Lock Group:

    • A thread initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers.
  2. Acquire Soft Locks:

    • The lock group requests soft locks on all required resources.
    • Each resource maintains a list of pending soft locks and grants them immediately. Soft locks are non-exclusive and indicate the intent to lock.
  3. Upgrade to Hard Locks:

    • Once all soft locks are acquired, the lock group attempts to upgrade each soft lock to a hard lock, one at a time.
    • A hard lock is exclusive and prevents other threads from modifying the resource.
  4. Soft Lock Validation:

    • If a resource that has granted a soft lock is modified by another thread acquiring a hard lock, the resource notifies the affected lock group.
    • The affected lock group must reset its soft lock on the modified resource and retry acquiring the hard lock for that specific resource.
  5. Atomic Transaction:

    • If the lock group successfully upgrades all soft locks to hard locks without interruption, it performs the required operations on the resources.
    • This ensures that operations are atomic, as either all resources are locked, or the process retries if any resource changes state during the acquisition phase.
  6. Release Locks:

    • After completing the operations, the thread releases all hard locks, making the resources available for other threads.

Example Scenario:

  1. Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B:

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B.
    • Resources A and B grant soft locks to Thread 1.
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on A to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
    • Thread 1 releases hard locks on A and B.
  2. Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C:

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C.
    • Resources B and C grant soft locks to Thread 2.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (must wait if Thread 1 holds it).
    • Thread 1 releases hard lock on B.
    • Resource B signals Thread 2 to proceed.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on C to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
    • Thread 2 releases hard locks on B and C.


  • Deadlock Prevention: The use of soft locks with validation ensures that deadlocks do not occur, as threads only reset soft locks for resources that change state.
  • Atomicity: Ensuring that operations are performed atomically by upgrading soft locks to hard locks before proceeding.
  • Efficiency: This method minimizes the need to release and reacquire all soft locks, reducing overhead and improving performance.


  • Implementation Complexity: Managing the state of soft locks and coordinating notifications can be complex.
  • Performance Overhead: There is still some overhead in managing soft locks and handling retries, but it is reduced compared to releasing all soft locks.

By focusing on resetting soft locks only for the resources that change state, this protocol strikes a balance between preventing deadlocks and maintaining efficiency, making it suitable for real-world scenarios where full control over resources is not feasible.

What we have done here is recapitulate the design considerations that must take place on databases that have two phase commit. Please comment with how that is done versus what we have discussed thus far.

Indeed, the protocol we've discussed for resource locking shares similarities with the two-phase commit (2PC) protocol used in distributed databases. Both aim to ensure atomic transactions and consistency across multiple resources. Here, I'll compare and contrast the two-phase commit protocol with our discussed resource locking protocol.

Two-Phase Commit (2PC) Protocol

The two-phase commit protocol is a well-established method for ensuring atomicity and consistency in distributed databases. It consists of two main phases: the prepare phase and the commit phase.

Phases of 2PC:

  1. Prepare Phase (Voting Phase):

    • Coordinator: The coordinator node sends a prepare message to all participant nodes involved in the transaction.
    • Participants: Each participant node receives the prepare message, performs the necessary preliminary operations (e.g., acquiring locks), and then responds with a vote message (either commit or abort).
    • Coordination: Participants typically log their vote to ensure recovery in case of failure.
  2. Commit Phase (Decision Phase):

    • Coordinator: Based on the votes from all participants, the coordinator decides to either commit or abort the transaction.
    • Participants: The coordinator sends a commit or abort message to all participants based on the decision.
    • Finalization: Participants complete the transaction by either committing or rolling back their changes based on the coordinator's message.

Key Features of 2PC:

  • Atomicity: Ensures that all nodes either commit or abort the transaction, maintaining consistency.
  • Durability: Participants log their actions to recover from failures.
  • Coordination: A central coordinator manages the process, ensuring a unified decision.

Comparison to Proposed Resource Locking Protocol


  1. Atomic Acquisition:

    • Both protocols ensure that either all required resources are locked/committed, or none are. This ensures atomicity and consistency across multiple resources.
    • In 2PC, this is achieved through the prepare and commit phases, while in our protocol, it's achieved through the soft and hard lock mechanism.
  2. Two-Phase Nature:

    • The 2PC protocol has a clear two-phase approach: prepare (soft lock equivalent) and commit (hard lock equivalent).
    • Our protocol also has a two-step approach: acquiring soft locks and then upgrading to hard locks.
  3. Consistency and State Verification:

    • Both protocols involve verification and state checking before making the final commit/lock decision.
    • 2PC involves voting based on the prepare phase, while our protocol involves validation and potential reset of soft locks if state changes.


  1. Centralized Coordinator vs. Decentralized Locking:

    • 2PC: Uses a centralized coordinator to manage the transaction, collect votes, and make the final decision.
    • Our Protocol: Does not require a centralized coordinator. Instead, each resource manages its own state and soft/hard lock transitions, with notifications for state changes.
  2. Resource Control:

    • 2PC: Primarily used in databases where the control over participant nodes and their states is more centralized.
    • Our Protocol: Designed for more dynamic environments where resources may not be fully under central control, and the order of acquisition is not globally fixed.
  3. Complexity and Overhead:

    • 2PC: Can introduce significant overhead due to logging, coordination, and ensuring durability.
    • Our Protocol: Aims to reduce overhead by minimizing the need to release and reacquire all locks, focusing only on resources that change state.


The two-phase commit protocol and our discussed resource locking protocol share the same fundamental goals of atomicity and consistency, using a two-phase approach to achieve them. However, 2PC relies on a centralized coordinator and is designed for environments with full control over the participants, whereas our protocol is more decentralized and adaptable to dynamic resource environments without a fixed global order.

By understanding the principles behind 2PC and adapting them to a more flexible, decentralized resource locking mechanism, we can achieve similar guarantees of atomicity and consistency while addressing the challenges of real-world, uncontrolled resource environments.

I like where we are at. I am thinking of refining this so that 'hard lock' acquirers a made to wait a time-tick or two before they get their hard lock to give time to the soft-lockers to firm up their locks. What do you think?

Introducing a brief waiting period for hard lock acquirers before they get their hard lock is an excellent idea. This can provide soft-lockers with an opportunity to upgrade their locks, reducing the likelihood of needing to reset soft locks and reattempt acquisitions. Here's how this can be incorporated into the protocol:

Refined Protocol with Waiting Period for Hard Locks:

  1. Initialize Lock Group:

    • A thread initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers.
  2. Acquire Soft Locks:

    • The lock group requests soft locks on all required resources.
    • Each resource maintains a list of pending soft locks and grants them immediately. Soft locks are non-exclusive and indicate the intent to lock.
  3. Upgrade to Hard Locks with Waiting Period:

    • Once all soft locks are acquired, the lock group attempts to upgrade each soft lock to a hard lock.
    • Introduce a brief waiting period (a time-tick or two) before a thread can upgrade a soft lock to a hard lock. This gives other threads holding soft locks a chance to proceed with their upgrades.
  4. Soft Lock Validation:

    • If a resource that has granted a soft lock is modified by another thread acquiring a hard lock, the resource notifies the affected lock group.
    • The affected lock group must reset its soft lock on the modified resource and retry acquiring the hard lock for that specific resource.
  5. Atomic Transaction:

    • If the lock group successfully upgrades all soft locks to hard locks without interruption, it performs the required operations on the resources.
    • This ensures that operations are atomic, as either all resources are locked, or the process retries if any resource changes state during the acquisition phase.
  6. Release Locks:

    • After completing the operations, the thread releases all hard locks, making the resources available for other threads.

Example Scenario with Waiting Period:

  1. Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B:

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B.
    • Resources A and B grant soft locks to Thread 1.
    • Thread 1 waits for the defined time-tick period.
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on A to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
    • Thread 1 releases hard locks on A and B.
  2. Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C:

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C.
    • Resources B and C grant soft locks to Thread 2.
    • Thread 2 waits for the defined time-tick period.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (must wait if Thread 1 holds it).
    • Thread 1 releases hard lock on B.
    • Resource B signals Thread 2 to proceed.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on C to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
    • Thread 2 releases hard locks on B and C.

Benefits of Introducing a Waiting Period:

  1. Reduced Contention: The waiting period helps synchronize the transition from soft locks to hard locks, reducing contention and race conditions.
  2. Increased Chance for Atomicity: By giving soft-lockers a brief window to firm up their locks, the likelihood of successfully upgrading to hard locks without interruption increases.
  3. Improved Efficiency: Reducing the number of resets and retries for soft locks can improve overall efficiency and performance in highly concurrent environments.


  1. Optimal Waiting Period: The waiting period should be carefully chosen to balance between giving enough time for soft-lockers to upgrade and not introducing unnecessary delays.
  2. Dynamic Adjustment: The waiting period could be dynamically adjusted based on system load and contention levels to optimize performance.

By incorporating a brief waiting period before upgrading to hard locks, we can enhance the robustness of the protocol, making it more effective in ensuring atomicity and consistency while minimizing contention and retries.

Re: "The waiting period should be carefully chosen to balance between giving enough time for soft-lockers to upgrade and not introducing unnecessary delays." -- perhaps this code be 'negotiated' according to a procol.

Introducing a negotiation protocol for the waiting period before upgrading to hard locks can dynamically adjust the timing based on current system conditions and contention levels. This can further optimize the balance between giving soft-lockers time to upgrade and avoiding unnecessary delays. Here's how this can be implemented:

Negotiated Waiting Period Protocol:

  1. Initialize Lock Group:

    • A thread initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers.
  2. Acquire Soft Locks:

    • The lock group requests soft locks on all required resources.
    • Each resource maintains a list of pending soft locks and grants them immediately. Soft locks are non-exclusive and indicate the intent to lock.
  3. Negotiate Waiting Period:

    • Each resource monitors the contention level (e.g., the number of pending soft locks, frequency of lock requests).
    • The resource proposes a waiting period based on the observed contention. This waiting period can be communicated to all threads holding soft locks.
    • The lock group then adjusts its waiting period based on the proposed values, possibly taking the maximum or an average of the proposed periods to ensure fairness.
  4. Upgrade to Hard Locks:

    • After the negotiated waiting period, the lock group attempts to upgrade each soft lock to a hard lock.
    • If any resource signals a state change during this period, the affected soft lock is reset, and the lock group retries acquiring the hard lock for that specific resource.
  5. Soft Lock Validation:

    • If a resource that has granted a soft lock is modified by another thread acquiring a hard lock, the resource notifies the affected lock group.
    • The affected lock group must reset its soft lock on the modified resource and retry acquiring the hard lock for that specific resource.
  6. Atomic Transaction:

    • If the lock group successfully upgrades all soft locks to hard locks without interruption, it performs the required operations on the resources.
    • This ensures that operations are atomic, as either all resources are locked, or the process retries if any resource changes state during the acquisition phase.
  7. Release Locks:

    • After completing the operations, the thread releases all hard locks, making the resources available for other threads.

Example Scenario with Negotiated Waiting Period:

  1. Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B:

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B.
    • Resources A and B grant soft locks to Thread 1.
    • Resources A and B propose a waiting period based on current contention levels (e.g., 2 time-ticks for A, 3 time-ticks for B).
    • Thread 1 adjusts its waiting period based on these proposals (e.g., uses the maximum of 3 time-ticks).
    • Thread 1 waits for the negotiated period.
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on A to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
    • Thread 1 releases hard locks on A and B.
  2. Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C:

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C.
    • Resources B and C grant soft locks to Thread 2.
    • Resources B and C propose a waiting period based on current contention levels (e.g., 2 time-ticks for B, 4 time-ticks for C).
    • Thread 2 adjusts its waiting period based on these proposals (e.g., uses the maximum of 4 time-ticks).
    • Thread 2 waits for the negotiated period.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (must wait if Thread 1 holds it).
    • Thread 1 releases hard lock on B.
    • Resource B signals Thread 2 to proceed.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on C to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
    • Thread 2 releases hard locks on B and C.

Benefits of Negotiated Waiting Period:

  1. Dynamic Adjustment: The waiting period is dynamically adjusted based on real-time system conditions, optimizing performance and reducing contention.
  2. Fairness: By negotiating the waiting period, all threads have a fair chance to upgrade their locks, reducing the likelihood of starvation.
  3. Efficiency: This approach minimizes unnecessary delays while still providing enough time for soft-lockers to firm up their locks.

Implementation Considerations:

  1. Contention Monitoring: Implementing an efficient mechanism to monitor contention levels and propose appropriate waiting periods.
  2. Protocol Overhead: Ensure that the negotiation protocol itself does not introduce significant overhead or complexity.
  3. Adaptability: The system should be able to adapt to varying load conditions and dynamically adjust the negotiation parameters for optimal performance.

By incorporating a negotiated waiting period, the protocol becomes more adaptable and efficient, better balancing the need for atomicity and consistency with the realities of dynamic resource contention in real-world systems.

I think to some extent we need empirical measures. I think it is always best to tell the truth, so 'soft lockers' should say how many soft locks they need for this transactions. That is sort of a 'supplication' to be considered more favorably for priority in timing, and rolling back of soft locks.

Incorporating empirical measures and honest communication from soft lockers about their needs can further enhance the efficiency and fairness of the protocol. Here’s a refined approach integrating these ideas:

Refined Protocol with Empirical Measures and Supplication

  1. Initialize Lock Group:

    • A thread initializes a lock group with the required resource identifiers and the total number of resources it needs to lock for the transaction.
  2. Acquire Soft Locks:

    • The lock group requests soft locks on all required resources.
    • Each resource grants soft locks and records the number of soft locks each lock group needs for the transaction. This information acts as a supplication for prioritizing lock upgrades.
  3. Empirical Measures for Waiting Period:

    • Each resource monitors the contention level, including the number of soft lock requests and the total number of soft locks needed by each lock group.
    • Resources propose a waiting period based on these empirical measures. The waiting period can be adjusted dynamically to reflect real-time conditions.
  4. Priority Consideration:

    • When a hard lock is requested, resources consider the supplication (the total number of soft locks needed) to prioritize lock upgrades. Groups with higher supplication might be given higher priority for timely upgrades.
    • Resources might use a weighted mechanism where groups needing more locks are slightly prioritized to prevent starvation and reduce the need for resets.
  5. Upgrade to Hard Locks:

    • After the negotiated waiting period, the lock group attempts to upgrade each soft lock to a hard lock.
    • If a resource has been hard-locked and modified by another thread during this period, it signals the affected lock group, which then resets its soft lock only on the modified resource and retries.
  6. Soft Lock Validation:

    • If a resource detects modification by another thread, it notifies all affected lock groups holding soft locks.
    • Affected lock groups reset their soft locks on the modified resource and retry acquiring the hard lock for that specific resource.
  7. Atomic Transaction:

    • If the lock group successfully upgrades all soft locks to hard locks without interruption, it performs the required operations on the resources.
    • This ensures that operations are atomic, as either all resources are locked, or the process retries if any resource changes state during the acquisition phase.
  8. Release Locks:

    • After completing the operations, the thread releases all hard locks, making the resources available for other threads.

Example Scenario with Empirical Measures and Supplication:

  1. Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B (Total: 2 Resources):

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B, specifying it needs a total of 2 resources.
    • Resources A and B grant soft locks to Thread 1 and record its need for 2 resources.
    • Resources A and B propose a waiting period based on contention levels and supplication values.
    • Thread 1 waits for the negotiated period.
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on A to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
    • Thread 1 releases hard locks on A and B.
  2. Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C (Total: 2 Resources):

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C, specifying it needs a total of 2 resources.
    • Resources B and C grant soft locks to Thread 2 and record its need for 2 resources.
    • Resources B and C propose a waiting period based on contention levels and supplication values.
    • Thread 2 waits for the negotiated period.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (must wait if Thread 1 holds it).
    • Thread 1 releases hard lock on B.
    • Resource B signals Thread 2 to proceed.
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on B to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 attempts to upgrade soft lock on C to a hard lock (succeeds).
    • Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
    • Thread 2 releases hard locks on B and C.

Benefits of This Approach:

  1. Empirical Adaptation: The waiting period and prioritization are dynamically adjusted based on real-time conditions, improving efficiency and reducing contention.
  2. Fairness and Transparency: By honestly declaring the number of needed resources, threads can be prioritized fairly, reducing the likelihood of starvation and frequent retries.
  3. Improved Efficiency: Reducing the number of resets and retries through priority consideration and empirical measures enhances overall system performance.

Implementation Considerations:

  1. Monitoring and Recording: Efficient mechanisms are needed to monitor contention levels, record soft lock requests, and calculate appropriate waiting periods.
  2. Priority Management: A fair and efficient priority management system must be implemented to handle the supplication values and adjust priorities dynamically.
  3. Balancing Priorities: Ensuring that the prioritization mechanism balances the needs of all threads without causing significant delays for any particular group.

By integrating empirical measures and honest communication of resource needs, the protocol becomes more adaptive and efficient, better balancing the requirements of atomicity, consistency, and fairness in a dynamic, real-world environment.

Does it make sense to bifurcate resources to resources and resource proxies such that the resource proxy holds control over the resource so that things beyond scope or knowledge of the resource are attended to?

Bifurcating resources into "resources" and "resource proxies" can indeed make sense. This approach abstracts the management and coordination responsibilities away from the actual resources, allowing resource proxies to handle aspects that are beyond the scope or knowledge of the resources themselves. Here's how this can be structured:

Resource Proxies

A resource proxy is an intermediary that controls access to a resource. The proxy can handle:

  • Lock management (soft and hard locks)
  • Contention monitoring
  • Waiting period negotiation
  • Priority handling based on supplication
  • Notification and validation mechanisms

Structure and Workflow

  1. Resource Initialization:

    • Each resource has a corresponding resource proxy.
    • The resource proxy holds control and coordination logic for the resource.
  2. Requesting Soft Locks:

    • A thread (lock group) requests a soft lock through the resource proxy.
    • The proxy grants soft locks and records the number of locks each thread needs (supplication).
  3. Negotiation of Waiting Period:

    • The resource proxy monitors contention levels and empirical measures.
    • Proxies negotiate waiting periods with threads based on current conditions and supplication values.
  4. Upgrading to Hard Locks:

    • After the negotiated waiting period, threads attempt to upgrade soft locks to hard locks via the resource proxy.
    • Proxies ensure the upgrade process is orderly and handle any necessary coordination.
  5. Soft Lock Validation:

    • Resource proxies track state changes and notify affected threads if a resource state changes, prompting soft lock resets as needed.
  6. Performing Operations:

    • Once hard locks are acquired, threads perform their operations.
    • Proxies ensure atomicity and consistency by managing the transition from soft to hard locks.
  7. Releasing Locks:

    • After operations, threads release hard locks through the resource proxy.
    • Proxies update the resource state and manage lock availability for other threads.

Benefits of Using Resource Proxies

  1. Separation of Concerns:

    • Resources are kept simple, focusing only on the actual data or functionality they represent.
    • Resource proxies handle complex coordination logic, improving modularity and maintainability.
  2. Enhanced Control and Flexibility:

    • Proxies can implement sophisticated strategies for lock management, contention handling, and priority adjustments without modifying the actual resource.
  3. Dynamic Adaptation:

    • Proxies can dynamically adapt to changing conditions, using empirical measures and negotiated waiting periods to optimize performance and reduce contention.
  4. Improved Scalability:

    • With proxies managing the coordination, the system can scale more easily, handling more resources and threads efficiently.

Example Workflow with Resource Proxies

  1. Thread 1 Needs Resources A and B:

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on A and B via their respective proxies.
    • Proxies grant soft locks and record the need for 2 resources.
    • Proxies negotiate a waiting period based on contention levels and supplication.
    • After waiting, proxies upgrade soft locks to hard locks.
    • Thread 1 performs operations on A and B.
    • Proxies release hard locks on A and B.
  2. Thread 2 Needs Resources B and C:

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on B and C via their proxies.
    • Proxies grant soft locks and record the need for 2 resources.
    • Proxies negotiate a waiting period based on contention levels and supplication.
    • After waiting, proxies upgrade soft locks to hard locks.
    • Thread 2 performs operations on B and C.
    • Proxies release hard locks on B and C.

Implementation Considerations

  1. Design of Proxies:

    • Implement proxies to manage specific coordination aspects such as lock acquisition, contention monitoring, and priority handling.
  2. Communication Protocols:

    • Define protocols for communication between threads and proxies, ensuring efficient and reliable messaging for lock requests and state changes.
  3. Empirical Measure Collection:

    • Develop mechanisms for proxies to collect and analyze empirical data on contention and usage patterns to inform waiting period negotiations.
  4. Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize proxy logic to minimize overhead and ensure timely responses to lock requests and state changes.

By implementing resource proxies, the system can achieve greater modularity, flexibility, and efficiency, handling the complexities of lock management and coordination in a scalable and adaptable manner.

fundamental resource controllers should have GUIDs such that a 'switchboard' knows what is proxying for a GUID, and a resource users asks that 'switchboard' for the proxy that controls the set of GUID resources it wishes to access and either assigns the request for an existing proxy or creates a new one that has what is needed. What do you think?

Introducing GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) for fundamental resources and implementing a "switchboard" that manages resource proxies is a robust approach. This architecture centralizes the management of resource access and ensures that each resource is controlled efficiently and consistently. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how this can be structured:

Architecture Overview

  1. GUIDs for Resources:

    • Every fundamental resource is assigned a unique GUID. This ensures that each resource can be uniquely identified and managed.
  2. Switchboard:

    • The switchboard acts as a central registry and manager for resource proxies.
    • It maps GUIDs to their corresponding resource proxies.
    • It handles requests from resource users, assigning existing proxies or creating new ones as needed.
  3. Resource Proxies:

    • Resource proxies are intermediaries that control access to the fundamental resources.
    • Proxies manage lock acquisition (soft and hard), contention monitoring, waiting period negotiation, and priority handling.


  1. Resource User Requests Access:

    • A resource user (thread) identifies the set of GUIDs corresponding to the resources it needs to access.
    • The resource user contacts the switchboard, specifying the required GUIDs.
  2. Switchboard Assigns or Creates Proxies:

    • The switchboard checks its registry to see if proxies for the requested GUIDs already exist.
    • If proxies exist, the switchboard assigns these proxies to the resource user.
    • If proxies do not exist, the switchboard creates new proxies and assigns them to the resource user.
  3. Proxy Management:

    • The assigned proxies manage the lock acquisition process for the resources.
    • Proxies handle soft lock requests, negotiate waiting periods, and upgrade to hard locks.
    • Proxies ensure that operations are performed atomically and consistently.
  4. Resource Access and Operation:

    • Once the necessary locks are acquired, the resource user performs its operations on the resources.
    • After operations are complete, the resource user releases the locks via the proxies.

Example Scenario

  1. Initialization:

    • Resource A and B have GUIDs GUID_A and GUID_B.
    • The switchboard maintains a registry mapping these GUIDs to their corresponding proxies.
  2. Thread 1 Requests Resources A and B:

    • Thread 1 identifies it needs resources with GUID_A and GUID_B.
    • Thread 1 contacts the switchboard with these GUIDs.
    • The switchboard checks its registry and finds proxies for GUID_A and GUID_B.
    • The switchboard assigns these proxies to Thread 1.
  3. Thread 1 Acquires Locks:

    • Thread 1 requests soft locks on GUID_A and GUID_B via their proxies.
    • The proxies grant soft locks and record the number of locks needed.
    • Proxies negotiate a waiting period based on contention levels and supplication.
    • After waiting, proxies upgrade soft locks to hard locks.
    • Thread 1 performs operations on GUID_A and GUID_B.
    • Proxies release hard locks on GUID_A and GUID_B.
  4. Thread 2 Requests Resources B and C:

    • Resource C has GUID GUID_C.
    • Thread 2 identifies it needs resources with GUID_B and GUID_C.
    • Thread 2 contacts the switchboard with these GUIDs.
    • The switchboard checks its registry and finds a proxy for GUID_B but not for GUID_C.
    • The switchboard assigns the existing proxy for GUID_B and creates a new proxy for GUID_C.
    • The switchboard assigns these proxies to Thread 2.
  5. Thread 2 Acquires Locks:

    • Thread 2 requests soft locks on GUID_B and GUID_C via their proxies.
    • The proxies grant soft locks and record the number of locks needed.
    • Proxies negotiate a waiting period based on contention levels and supplication.
    • After waiting, proxies upgrade soft locks to hard locks.
    • Thread 2 performs operations on GUID_B and GUID_C.
    • Proxies release hard locks on GUID_B and GUID_C.

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Centralized Management:

    • The switchboard centralizes the management of resource access, making it easier to track and control resource usage.
  2. Scalability:

    • By using GUIDs and proxies, the system can efficiently manage a large number of resources and threads, scaling as needed.
  3. Flexibility:

    • The switchboard can dynamically assign or create proxies based on current needs, adapting to changing conditions.
  4. Consistency and Atomicity:

    • Proxies ensure that operations on resources are performed atomically and consistently, preventing race conditions and deadlocks.
  5. Transparency:

    • Resource users interact with the switchboard and proxies transparently, without needing to manage the complexities of lock acquisition and contention handling directly.

Implementation Considerations

  1. Switchboard Design:

    • Implement the switchboard to handle efficient registration, lookup, and creation of resource proxies.
    • Ensure the switchboard can scale to handle a large number of requests and resources.
  2. Proxy Implementation:

    • Design proxies to manage locks, monitor contention, negotiate waiting periods, and handle priority based on supplication.
  3. Communication Protocols:

    • Develop protocols for communication between resource users, the switchboard, and proxies to ensure efficient and reliable operation.
  4. Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize the switchboard and proxies to minimize overhead and ensure timely responses to resource requests and state changes.

By implementing this architecture, the system becomes more modular, scalable, and efficient, providing robust management of resource access and coordination.

In another session, we worked on 'pillared design' -- https://blog.trantor.ca/2024/06/pillared-design.html

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